Rockland Park HOA Rules

The Rockland Park Homeowners Association (RPHOA) will strive to enhance the enjoyment of members’ lives and promote community spirit by offering amenities, facilities and programs for members’ benefits in a fiscally responsible manner.  

The RPHOA amenities are for the exclusive use of the Members of the RPHOA and their guest(s). Until the community has reached a self-sustainable level, this rule will be relaxed to allow outside residents to register for programs and rent space in the Lodge (not in the park). A non-resident fee will be added to the cost of any registered programs and facility rentals.  

At the RPHOA, we uphold a standard or mutual respect among all residents and guest(s). Any disrespectful behavior towards fellow residents, staff, or property will not be tolerated and may result in disciplinary action. 

All members and guests are permitted the use of the HOA facility and park Amenities at their own risk and subject to the following rules and regulations. 

  • Annual fees are not optional and due April 1 of every year. 
  • A “Member” is defined in the Articles of Association of the RPHOA.  
  • Members must present their membership card to gain entrance to the park and facility.  
  • Members accessing the RPHOA amenities must carry their membership card at all times and present it for inspection upon request of the RPHOA staff. 
  • Membership cards are not transferable. 
  • Lending your membership card to another person is prohibited and will result in a temporary suspension of membership privileges as determined by RPHOA. 
  • Members with unpaid fees as of May 15 will be denied access to the RPHOA facility and park. 
  • If you are the registered owner of the property, bring a copy of your Certificate of Title to the office along with a piece of Government issued photo ID. The Certificate of Title can also be received by way of mail/email. Certificate of Titles are not kept on file at the RPHOA and any that are mailed/emailed will be shredded after being reviewed.  
  • Members must reside in the Rockland Park home to be eligible for a membership card. All members must provide proof of residency in order to obtain a card. 
  • Renters (entire house) – the homeowner may transfer their privileges to the renters. Owners or renters (not both) may have park/facility access. If the owners wish to transfer their privileges to the renters, a Transfer of Privileges form must be completed and returned to RPHOA office. If owners would like communication from the RPHOA (invoices, AGM notices, etc.) sent to a different address, please inform the RPHOA office. 
  • Renters (secondary suite(s)) – residents in one (1) suite of the home may have access to the RPHOA park/facility. If additional suite(s) in the home would like access to the RPHOA park/facility, the homeowner may purchase access for renters in the additional suite(s).   
  • Unmarried children, boarders, and nannies who are 21 years of age or older will be issued cards when they supply proof that they live at that address by way of a piece of Government issued photo ID with the current Rockland Park address on it.  
  • Each household can be issued up to five (5) membership cards for family members living in the household by default. Requests for additional cards, beyond the allotted five (5), must be approved by RPHOA management.
  • Children under 12 will not be issued cards and are only allowed to use the facilities when accompanied by an adult. 
  • Parents/Guardians must complete a Children’s Waiver Form and present a birth certificate for any children aged 12 to 16 to receive membership card.  
  • Membership cards remain the property of the RPHOA. RPHOA will seize cards and suspend access if the holder of the card breaches the rules. 
  • Residents eligible for membership cannot be signed in as guests. 
  • Adult members are permitted up to five (5) guests per household (fees apply).  
  • Members’ children 12 to 16 years of age, entering the HOA without an adult, are permitted up to two (2) guests per household, per day.  
  • Households are permitted a maximum of five (5) guests per day. For example, if a youth brings two (2) guests, the household is then permitted to bring up to three (3) other guests, for a total of five (5) for the household for the day.   
  • Once children/infants are mobile they are counted as a guest 
  • Adult members may sign in up to 20 guests using a Park Guest List form (fees apply). Park Guest lists are eligible for park use only. The Park Guest List form must be submitted to the office seven (7) days prior to event for approval and payment. Members are permitted to submit one (1) Park Guest List per day per household up to a maximum of three (3) per year. Guest lists are approved on a first come, first serve basis. RPHOA accepts a maximum of five (5) lists per day. 
  • Members are responsible for the actions of their Family Members, guests, and their Family Members’ guests, including their compliance with these Rules and Regulations. 
  • Guests will not be admitted to the park until the Member has entered the facility. 
  • Members must be present in the park/facility at all times with their guests. 
  • The RPHOA does not provide supervision. Guardians are responsible for their children all times. Use of the RPHOA park, amenities, and facility is at your own risk. 
  • To maintain a safe and respectful environment for all residents, guests, and staff, the RPHOA reserves the right to refuse entry to individuals who appear to be intoxicated. 
  • Bicycles, liquor, glass objects, pets, and open fires are not permitted in the park. 
  • Smoking, vaping, and any kind of drug use is not permitted in the building and park. 
  • Scooters, rollerblades, roller-skates, and skateboards are only permitted in the designated area.  
  • Foul language, rambunctious and unsafe behavior will not be tolerated. 
  • Motorized remote control driven planes, vehicles, and such (e.g. drones) are not permitted on RPHOA property without expressed permission from RPHOA management.  
  • Anyone found damaging or vandalizing RPHOA property may be required to make full restitution to the RPHOA. 

To be released in 2025 prior to the pool opening.

  All “Pool Guidelines” are applicable in addition to the following:

  • Maximum Bather Load:  16

    ·      Maximum length of time in the hot tub should not exceed five (5) minutes for children under the age of eight (8).

    ·      Adult usage should not exceed ten (10) minutes and total daily usage should not exceed 25 minutes.

    ·      Children under 14 must be directly supervised.  Persons should not swim alone. 

    ·      Persons must take a shower using soap prior to entering the hot tub.

    ·      Persons must wash their hands using soap after using the washroom or changing diapers.

    ·         An emergency phone is available inside the lower-level vestibule of the Lodge.

    ·         All children under the age of three or individuals who are incontinent must wear protective, water-resistant swim diaper and waterproof pool pants.

    ·         The hot tub temperature is set for 39O Celsius.

    ·      Persons who are intoxicated will not be allowed to use the hot tub.

    ·      No jumping or diving in the hot tub.

    ·      Toys and buoyant objects are not permitted in the hot tub.

    ·      Food and beverage consumption is not permitted in the hot tub.

    ·      Glass is not allowed on the pool and hot tub deck.

    ·      Street footwear must not be worn in wet traffic areas.

    ·      People in the following categories should not use the hot tub: coronary heart disease, hypertension, diabetes and severe lung, liver and kidney conditions, and epilepsy; pre and post-natal women, users of antihistamines, tranquilizers, blood pressure medications or anticoagulants; individuals who are older than 65 should employ extreme caution.

    ·      Do not use hot tub if:

    o  You have been told not to by a doctor

    o  You have diarrhea

    o  You have had diarrhea in the past two (2) weeks

    Note:  Youth ages 12 – 13 visiting the facility unaccompanied by an adult of at least 18 years of age during hot tub operation hours will be given a red wrist and unable to use the hot tub.  Youth ages 14 -17 will be given a yellow wristband and permitted to use the hot tub if they are not bringing in guests under the age of 14 years.

  • Clothing is required in locker areas/no nudity in shared spaces.  
  • Remain clothed unless in a private change cubicle or bathroom stall.  
  • Be mindful of how much time you occupy stalls/showers, others may be waiting to use them.  
  • All lockers are for day use only. Be sure to lock-up and do not leave items in the change stalls. RPHOA is not responsible for lost or stolen items. 
  • Use of cell phones and camera enabled devises is strictly prohibited in the change room. 
  • No food, beverages, or glass items are permitted in the change rooms.  
  • Pickleball courts are to be used for pickleball only.  
  • Soft-soled court shoes are to be used. 
  • Chairs and other hard objects are not permitted on the courts. 
  • The courts are available on a first come, first serve basis. 
  • The courts are available by reservation at Walk-ins are also available if the courts are not reserved. Use of the courts is to be restricted to 30-minute periods during busy times, except if a formal instruction program is scheduled by the RPHOA. 
  • Proper pickleball etiquette should prevail to resolve disputes. 
  • Jumping, sitting, or leaning on the pickleball nets is not permitted.  
  • In all matters, whether or not specifically covered herein, courtesy and common sense shall prevail.  
  • No one is permitted on the ice when resurfacing is in progress. 
  • Hockey sticks and pucks are only permitted on the Hockey Rink, not the Leisure Rink.   
  • Helmets are highly recommended for anyone using any ice surface. 
  • No person shall dispose of any debris, including but not limited to rocks, trash, sticks and ice chunks onto the ice.
  • All equipment must be returned prior to closing. 
  • Any equipment that is damaged or unsafe should be returned to the main office immediately. 
  • Amenity rentals in the park (e.g. Cabanas, hockey rink, etc.) may only be rented by residents (fees apply). 
  • Room rentals in the Lodge are available to residents and non-residents (fees apply). Residents will receive discounted pricing.  
  • Facility and amenity rental policies are available on  
  • Residents and non-residents may register in RPHOA programs. Residents will receive discounted pricing and priority registration.  
  • Program policies are available on  

Please review the Rockland Park Homeowners Association RPHOA Code of Conduct to ensure the best experience for all members.


A warning by RPHOA Management or a suspension of privileges for a period of time that is deemed appropriate. 



In all matters, whether or not specifically covered herein, courtesy and common sense shall prevail. Staff is not provided for supervising or babysitting. Play safe and be respectful of the park and other members in the park. Members are encouraged to approach staff members with any questions or concerns they may have.  We will do our best to accommodate you.